student membership
“SSWAA student membership is a valuable introduction to a strong, nationwide school social work community!” – G.M.
Student Membership Discount:
SSWAA offers students an annual SSWAA Student Membership starting at $80. With your new Student SSWAA membership, you will be able to enjoy Premiere membership benefits for one year.
Worried about Liability as a new practitioner?
Your SSWAA membership provides Professional Liability Insurance in the amount of $250,000 with an option to purchase additional coverage.
Looking for resources in your new position?
As a student member you will have access to the highest level membership with SSWAA. This includes access to members-only resources on our website, as well as access to our School Social Work Resource Library (SSWRL). This online library is a massive hub for resources and tools specifically for school social work.
Want to stay up to date on School Social Work?
Receive SSWAA’s Bi-Weekly E-Bell as well as E-Blasts providing SSWAA Activity and Legislative Updates, resources for school social workers, news items, grant opportunities, and much more. These are only a sample of the many benefits you will enjoy as a SSWAA member. For more details regarding these and other Membership Benefits, click here.