to expand your knowledge, elevate your practice, and engage with your profession
join sswaa today
Why Join SSWAA?
Established in 1994, SSWAA has been dedicated to providing the latest research, trends, and career resources to school social workers across the United States. SSWAA is on the cutting edge of our field, encouraging each professional to expand their knowledge throughout their career and elevate their skills and practice while enhancing their professional networks. The benefits gained through membership strengthen the professional as well as the students, families and communities which we serve. In addition, SSWAA provides advocacy for the profession at a national level to ensure we are recognized as the mental health professionals on our campuses. We are only as strong as our membership. It is imperative to be proactive about things one can discover on their career journey! Join SSWAA to be part of this vibrant professional community and gain support for your practice!

membership benefits
The School Social Work Association of America is committed to empowering & equipping School Social Workers in their professional role. SSWAA is devoted to the support of professionals as they expand their knowledge, elevate their practice, and engage with their profession to enable high quality work. SSWAA offers a variety of membership types and payment options. The charts show the benefits you receive as a Basic Member, Full Member, or Premier Member. We are proud to offer Premier Member Benefits to Retired Members & Student Members as well. Please continue past the charts for details on each benefit.

member benefits & FAQ
member benefits & FAQ

Website Tools & Resources
Website Tools & Resources

Member Discounts
Member Discounts

Professional Liability Insurance
With membership, receive $250,000 Professional Malpractice Liability Insurance from Forrest T. Jones & Co.
Professional Liability insurance

Advocacy & Public Policy Development
Benefit from advocacy efforts at the national, state, and local levels via a Government Relations team, legislative committee, action alerts, and other advocacy tools & resources.
Advocacy & Public Policy Development

Professional Community & Networking
Access to like-minded professionals via the Membership App, social media platforms, forums and discussion groups.
Professional Community & Networking

School Social Work Journal
The School Social Work Journal is the peer-reviewed, biannual educational journal of the Illinois Association of School Social Work. The Journal contains high-quality article submissions that are primarily educational and have a high emphasis on school social work practice and practitioner reviews of relevant books.
School Social Work Journal

SSWRL is a virtual library included in SSWAA Premiere Membership. Through SHELF, Premiere members have access to hundreds of additional resources on trauma informed practice, SEL, crisis intervention, professional practice, and so much more.
School Social Work Resource Library (SSWRL)

Electronic Newsletters
Electronic newsletters with the latest SSWAA activities plus resources for School Social Workers.
Electronic Newsletters

School social Work Research
Participate in School Social Work relevant research and gain access to current studies in the field.
School social work research

Support to States
Collaboration with state organizations to support the forward progress of the profession. Gain access to needed tools and resources to develop a professional state organization in states where one does not exist.
Support to states

Get CEs and training on-demand with SSWAA’s learning platform. Full and Premier members receive significant discounts for trainings.
Please feel free to contact us if there is anything we can do to support you or your state association.
membership department
mission statement
SSWAA’s Membership Department is dedicated to creating inclusive spaces for professionals to grow within their practice and connecting members with resources, training, and advocacy. The Membership Department is committed to putting the needs of the members of the professional organization first and foremost.