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A sneak peek into the SSWAA Conference 2024: Expand, Elevate, and Engage

No matter what time of day you are reading this, Just in case no one has told you yet today, Good morning! You belong here, you are appreciated, you are valued, thank you for being you! You Matter!

As we embark on our 30-year anniversary, SSWAA has cultivated pearls of wisdom from practitioners, researchers, and the communities we serve. We are curating a recognition of the knowledge of those who come before us with a look toward always improving with an intentional focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion to enhance the bright brilliant future of school social work together!

Conferences have long been a cornerstone of knowledge sharing, networking, and professional growth for all professions. The National School Social Work Conference is specifically for you! As a school social worker, you are invited to join experts, enthusiasts, and industry leaders! Together we will discuss, dissect, and deliberate on the latest trends, research, and innovations in our field.

In a world where social issues continue to challenge our communities, our annual gathering of dedicated professionals committed to making a positive impact in the lives of students, families, and communities will reunite in Baltimore, MD, this March 12-15, 2024. This conference is a platform for school social workers to come together, share insights, and learn from one another as we continue to navigate the complex and ever-changing landscape of education.

Captivating Keynotes

Drumroll, please………Introducing our AMAZING Keynote Speakers for the 2024 27th Annual School Social Work Conference!! 🎉🎉🎉

Inspirational Presentations

SSWAA’s annual School Social Work Conference is a must-attend event that provides a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for attendees, reaffirming the importance of their role in education! Come learn from a curated group of Inspirational Pre-Conference Forums, In-Depth Exploration via Breakout Sessions, and Knowledge Disseminating Networking through Poster Presentations. We have three and a half days jam-packed with topics such as building resilience in students, research-to-practice, equity and inclusion in education, collaborative partnerships with multidisciplinary teams, ethics, interventions, and resilience for the professional.

Conference Reminders:
  • This year SSWAA is celebrating 30 years, We will have a special 30th Birthday Celebration! So don't forget to wear your 30-year anniversary colors---GREEN, GOLD, and PEARLS to celebrate with us!!

  • Conference Registration is OPEN!!

  • The SSWAA National Conference has sold out the past couple of years. Plan ahead and be sure you register before we sell out!! (See previous blog for more information)

  • Want to work with your administration to help cover the cost of conference? SSWAA has just the document for you!! See our Request to Administrator Letter to help you submit a request ASAP to your school leaders (Click on the tab that says Request Letter to download)!! 😊

Registration Reminders:
  • Remember: Making Reservations at the Conference Hotel DOES NOT guarantee your Conference Registration. SSWAA’s tip: Complete your Conference Registration FIRST, and then Book your accommodations and flight details (SECURE YOUR CONFERENCE SPOT FIRST!!)

  • Get yourself ready by reviewing all of SSWAA’s Conference Policies.

  • Early Bird Registration - September 18th, 2023- October 31st, 2023. Early Bird Rates require payment at the time of registration via Credit Card.

    • ***No Invoices will be accepted until after Early Bird Registration closes***. If you would like to select an Invoice to pay by Purchase Order, you will be able to register starting on November 1, 2023.

Reminder: Selecting Your Sessions

After Registering for the 27th Annual National Conference, you will receive an auto-generated confirmation email from our registration system. You will then receive an email from SSWAA Staff to notify you that you have been added to the Conference App so you can go in and select your sessions—LATER THIS FALL (you will not make your session selections until the Conference App is opened, later in the Fall 2023)— Space is limited, no exceptions will be made...once a session is full, please make another selection.

Early Bird Registrants will have 1-full week of priority session selection once Session Selection in the App is open (Later Fall 2023).

If you have any inquiries, please reach out to SSWAA's Associate Executive Director at or SSWAA's Professional Development Coordinator at

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