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coalitions & Partnerships

SSWAA participates in a number of national coalitions on a range of issues that impact school social work.  Following is a representative listing of the major coalitions and partnerships in which SSWAA is actively involved.  There are several others that meet less periodically, as well.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Coalition

This coalition focuses on the mental health workforce, integration of mental health and primary care, early identification and intervention, mental health parity, and juvenile justice reform. Membership currently includes over 20 national primary care, mental/behavioral, and consumer organizations.

National Alliance of Specialized Instructional Support Personnel (NASISP)

NASISP represents and advances the interests of specialized instructional support personnel and services, working to include SISP in all major education legislation and national education initiatives, assisting to develop state SISP alliances, and informing the public about our mission and services.

Coalition for Grieving Students 

The Coalition to Support Grieving Students is a unique collaboration of the leading school professionals who have come together to create and share a set of industry-endorsed resources that will empower school communities across America in the ongoing support of their grieving students.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Coalition

Formed recently to address threats to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, the group advocates in Congress to maintain PSLF.  School social workers and other school employees are covered under this program, which acts as a strong incentive to bring individuals into the wide array of public service professions.

Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Education Task Force

CCD, the major national umbrella disability coalition, is divided into task forces that address a variety of issues impacting the lives of individuals with disabilities.  The Education Task Force focuses on education-related issues, birth through higher education, for children, youth, and young adults with disabilities.

Mental Health Liaison Group

MHLG is an advocacy coalition focused on improving access to mental health services, elevating the national conversation on mental health, and advancing federal policies that support prevention, early intervention, and recovery services and supports.  SSWAA and other education groups provide the expertise on school-based mental health services.

National Coalition for Public Education

NCPE works to support public schools by supporting the use of public funds only for public education and opposing the funneling of public money to private and religious schools through vouchers, tuition tax credits, education savings accounts, and portability. 

National Coalition of Personnel Shortages in Special Education & Related Services (NCPSSERS)

NCPSSERS works to sustain a discussion among all stakeholders on the need for and value of special education, SISP, and early intervention and to identify, disseminate, and support implementation of national, state, and local strategies to remedy personnel shortages and persistent vacancies for the benefit of all children and youth.

Breakfast for Learning Education Alliance

An initiative led by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), the Alliance works to inform its members, affiliates, and networks about the important educational benefits of school breakfast and to promote the broader implementation of proven strategies to increase school breakfast participation, such as breakfast in the classroom.

National Coordinating Committee on School Health and Safety and Student Health Advocacy Coalition (SHAC)

The National Coordinating Committee on School Health and Safety (NCCSHS) brings together federal agencies and national organizations to support programs in our nation's schools that promote healthy, safe and academically successful students. 

Safe and Supportive Schools Project, APA

SSWAA is a National Partner for the APA's Safe and Supportive Schools Project which promotes customized training, technical assistance and consultation, for state education agencies to help school districts create safe and supportive school environments for all students and staff, specifically assistance for groups of youth at disproportionate risk, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.

Education Advisory Group for Legal Center for Foster Care and Education

This group supports education, child welfare, and other systems to promote educational stability and continuity, removing barriers and closing the achievement gap for children and youth involved with the child welfare system.

Coalition for Community Schools

The Coalition for Community Schools, is an alliance of national, state and local organizations seeking to build partnerships between the school and other community resources for youth development, family support, and health and human services.

National Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Coalition

CJJ is a member of and works closely in collaboration with the National Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Coalition (NJJDPC), a collaborative array of youth- and family- serving, social justice, law enforcement, corrections, and faith-based organizations. NJJDPC works to ensure healthy families, build strong communities, and improve public safety by promoting fair and effective policies, practices, and programs for youth involved or at risk of becoming involved in the juvenile and criminal justice systems. 

Save Medicaid in Schools Coalition

The coalition arose to address threats to the Medicaid program, particularly efforts to block grant or impose per capita caps.  With $4-5 billion annually going to support school-based services, including mental health services, coalition members monitor and advocate for continued viability of the Medicaid program and use of Medicaid dollars in schools.

Title IV-A Coalition

This group advocates for maximum funding for the Title IV-A (Every Student Succeed Act, ESSA) Student Support and Academic Enrichment block grant, which includes programs that foster safe and healthy students (including mental health), provide students with a well-rounded education, and increase the effective use of technology in schools.

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